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Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for


Proficient Reading: 26%


Distinguished Reading: 10%


Proficient Math: 16%


Distinguished Math: 4%



Proficient Reading: 37%


Distinguished Reading: 20%


Proficient Math: 32%


Distinguished Math: 4%



Proficient Reading: 27%


Distinguished Reading: 13%


Proficient Math: 20%


Distinguished Math: 8%


Pupil Personnel

The purpose of the Department of Pupil Personnel is to serve FCS students, families, and schools through proactive intervention, barrier removal, and accurate and timely data systems in order to support ALL students' success in school and life.

                       School zone Map                                               
school attendance zones

Infinite Campus Resources                  School Zone Map                                          School Area Transfer Form

Attendance policies
Home Hospital
home schooling

Attendance Procedures and Policies                 Home Hospital Form                               Home School Form


no pass no drive
Truancy Diversion
Education Enhancement Opportunity (EHO)      No Pass/ No Drive                                Truancy Diversion Program



5 Parent Excuses (Day) 

5 Tardies (Parent Excuses) 

8 Medical Excuses 

5 Medical Tardies 

Other Ways to Excuse an absence: (Elementary, Middle & High School

Chronic Illness Form (CI): ongoing treatment such as counseling or orthodontist 

Home Hospital (HH): extended medical reason where a student will be absent five or more days in a row Educational Enhancement Opportunity (EHO): educational activity; form should be completed and  turned in five days prior to student’s trip; in the event submitted after five days’ notice-will be at  the discretion of the principal to approve 

Nurse Excuse (NE): if nurse sends student home; fever, vomiting, etc 

Administrative Excuse (AE): Death in the family can be an administrative excuse if communicated to the attendance clerk and a funeral brochure is turned in.

FCHS Expectations: 

If a student has 6 unexcused absences—CAN NOT attend prom 

If a senior has 7 or more unexcused absences---CANNOT walk across the stage at graduation (will receive a diploma after graduation) 

FCHS Driver Privileges: (State Law KRS 159.051: “No pass, No drive law” passed in 2007) 

16 and 17-year old high school students in KY cannot obtain or keep a driver’s license or permit if one of  the following applies: 

If a student accumulates 9 unexcused absences including suspensions in one semester—ineligible for permit or license will be revoked. If a student has 2 or more failing grades in one semester--- ineligible for permit or license will be revoked. Withdraws from school (drop out).


Non-Resident Applications Available

Non-resident applications are now being accepted for all district schools. To get a copy of the application suitable for printing, click here

Once completed, please send the application to the pupil personnel office at 211 West Water Street, Flemingsburg, KY 41041. For a faster response, or scan and email your completed application to

We look forward to hearing from you soon and having your child or children become a part of a District of Distinction at Fleming County.




Patsy Adams

           Cameron Jackson                                                                                    Patsy Adams                                                                  Director of Pupil Personnel                                                                      Home Hospital Instructor/Coordinator

           ext. 2212                                                                                                                              ext. 2231